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The Benefits of Exercise for Older Adults; Staying Fit In Your Golden Years

The Benefits of Exercise for Older Adults; Staying Fit In Your Golden Years

Healthy joints and bones are essential to having a good quality of life. Prevalence of issues related to these are quite widespread, across the globe and even in Pakistan. According to one estimate, every 1 in 4 women experience bones and joints issues1


Symptoms related to bones and joints vary and those suffering from it may present with wide range of complaints including stiffness, tenderness, loss of flexibility, grating sensation, swelling and especially pain.


Chronic pain is any pain that is persistent and lasts for more than six months. Impaired joints and bones health including ageing cartilage, inflammation may cause chronic pain debilitating normal life.


The cycle of chronic pain is vicious. When individuals suffer from chronic pain, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs)are the standard solution. Unfortunately, NSAIDs may lead to numerous adverse health effects like indigestion, stomach aches, feeling sick and diarrhoea, stomach ulcers even internal bleeding and anaemia. At times NSAIDS may also be associated with problems of liver, kidneys or heart and circulation, such as heart failure, heart attacks and strokes. These effects are coupled with an increased economic burden. Consequently, the individual faces more complications spreading to other systems of the body and worsening life further.


If NSAIDs are not the solution to chronic pain, then what is?


Alternate treatment options are safer, which includes using natural substances such as Curcumin, Boswellia and Vitamin D3.


FlexaPlus, with Curcumin, Boswellia and Vitamin D3, could possibly be an alternative to NSAIDs due to the following reasons:


1.   Unique and Natural:


FlexaPlus is a naturally enhanced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant combination for bone and joint health. Its unique ingredients provide relief from inflammation and reduces pain and swelling.


2.   Combination of Curcumin and Boswellia


Curcumin is known to control inflammation, prevent Apoptosis and regulate antioxidant activity. In addition, the unique combination of Curcumin and Boswelia support joint health and reduce inflammation.


3.   Combination of Boswellia and Vitamin D3


This unique combination prevents the ageing of bones and joints. In addition to this, it decreases inflammation and increases mobility and flexibility. Furthermore, with Vitamin D3, Calcium absorption rises, leading to stronger bones.


All in all, FlexaPlus is a natural solution to inflammation, joint pains, and impaired bone health. So to live a life without pause, your go-to choice should be FlexaPlus.




1.Bone diseases: prevalence and associated factors in the population of district Multan, Pakistan, J. Med. Sci. (Peshawar, Print) January 2017, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Supplement).

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Hiba Batool

Hiba Batool is a UK-certified Associate Nutritionist and a Commonwealth Scholarship Alumna with a Master in Nutrition, from the University of Leeds. Clinical nutrition and nutrition research is her forte. Her research with the British Dietetic Association and her contribution to HuffPost and EatThis (a leading nutrition publication) further add to her credibility.

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