Product Info -
Nutrition & Ingredients +
Serving Size: One (1) Tablet, Each Tablet Contains:
Vitamin D3
5000 IU
Instructions +
Reviews +

Helps Maintain Stronger Bones

Supports Immune Health

Promotes Muscle Function
Bone Health
Immune function
Chronic Diseases

Product FAQs
What are the uses of vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 is used to improve bone health, muscle strength, and overall immunity.
What is the daily requirement of vitamin D3?
Recommended Dietary allowances (RDA) for vitamin D: o Up to 12 months: 400 IU per day o 1 year to 70 years: 600 IU per day o Pregnancy & Nursing mothers: 600 IU per day o 70 years and above: 800 IU per day.
What are the symptoms and signs of vitamin D deficiency?
Lack of vitamin D may not always exhibit symptoms and signs. Sometimes a person could have vitamin D deficiency but remains asymptomatic. In children vitamin D deficiency may causes rickets. Problems associated with lack of vitamin D vary from having weak or soft bones, bone pain, muscle pain, cramps and weakness, mood changes, depression to unhealthy growth patterns & joints deformities. Those with such deficiency may be likely to get respiratory infections, or even autoimmune health problems.
How should I consume Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 can be taken daily with or without meal. It is generally preferred to consume with meal.
Is vitamin D associated with any medical condition?
Certain conditions may lead to vitamin D deficiency: o Cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease: Conditions that may hamper absorption of vitamin D. o Kidney disease and liver disease: These conditions may reduce certain enzymes required for vitamin D conversion. o Obesity: Vitamin D is kept isolated by the fat cells and its release may be affected. Those people having this condition may require larger doses of vitamin D to attain normal levels.