8 Common Symptoms of UTIs You Need To Watch Out For

Ever feel like you’re constantly rushing to the loo, only to pass a disappointingly small amount of urine? Are you experiencing discomfort while urinating? You might be experiencing a urinary tract infection (UTI), a surprisingly common condition that affects millions worldwide. UTIs are not only uncomfortable but can also lead to serious complications if left untreated. Understanding the symptoms of UTIs is crucial for timely intervention and prevention.

In this article, we’ll explore eight common symptoms of UTIs, shedding light on this prevalent health concern.

Understanding UTIs: A Scientific Explanation

A UTI is an infection that occurs in any part of your urinary tract, which includes your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. These organs work together to filter waste products from your blood and expel them from your body through urine. Bacteria, most commonly E. coli, can enter the urethra and travel upwards, causing inflammation and infection.

UTIs are a global health concern, affecting millions of people every year. Studies estimate that around 50% of women will experience a UTI at least once in their lifetime, with a significant portion experiencing recurrent infections. While less common, UTIs can also affect men, especially those with underlying health conditions or recent urinary tract procedures.

8 Common Symptoms of UTIs

While UTIs can be frustrating and uncomfortable, recognising the symptoms of UTIs is crucial for seeking timely treatment and preventing complications. Here are eight common symptoms of UTIs to watch out for:

1. Frequent Urination (Urinary Frequency)

This is perhaps the most well-known symptom of a UTI. You might feel the urge to urinate very frequently, even if you only pass a small amount of urine each time. This urgency can be quite bothersome and disrupt daily activities.

2. Pain or Burning During Urination (Dysuria)

UTIs often cause a burning or stinging sensation during urination. This discomfort can make the act of passing urine quite painful.

3. The Urgency to Urinate Even When Your Bladder Feels Empty (Urinary Urgency)

This symptom goes hand-in-hand with frequent urination. You might feel a persistent urge to pee, even after emptying your bladder.

4. Blood in the Urine (Hematuria)

The presence of blood in your urine, even a small amount, can be a sign of a UTI. Blood in the urine can appear red, pink, or rusty brown.

5. Cloudy or Strong-Smelling Urine

Healthy urine is typically clear or pale yellow and has a mild odour. If your urine appears cloudy or has a strong, unpleasant smell, it could be a sign of infection.

6. Pelvic Pain

UTIs can cause pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen or pelvic area. This pain can be constant or come and go.

7. Lower Back Pain  

In some cases, UTIs can also cause pain in the lower back, near the kidneys.

8. Fever or Chills

While less common, a high fever or chills can sometimes accompany a UTI, especially if the infection has spread to the kidneys (pyelonephritis).

Don’t Ignore the Signs: Seek Medical Attention

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor or healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan. Early diagnosis and treatment of UTIs are crucial to prevent complications such as kidney infections. While UTIs are usually not serious, they can be uncomfortable and require prompt medical attention.

Taking Charge of Your Urinary Health: Consider Berdi

While antibiotics are the primary treatment for UTIs, some people are interested in complementary approaches to support their urinary tract health. Berdi, a natural supplement containing elderberry and cranberry extract, might be a valuable option.

Cranberries have been traditionally used to promote urinary tract health, with some studies suggesting their potential benefits in preventing UTIs. Elderberry, rich in antioxidants, might also contribute to overall immune function, which can indirectly support urinary health.

In Conclusion

UTIs are a common yet manageable health concern. By understanding the symptoms and seeking timely medical attention, you can effectively treat UTIs and maintain a healthy urinary tract. Additionally, exploring natural supplements like Berdi, containing cranberry and elderberry extracts, might offer a complementary approach to promoting urinary health.


1. Can I prevent UTIs?

Yes, there are ways to reduce your risk of UTIs. Drinking plenty of fluids, wiping from front to back, and emptying your bladder regularly can all help.

2. Do UTIs go away on their own?

Mild UTIs might improve on their own, but it’s best to see a doctor for diagnosis and proper treatment with antibiotics to prevent complications.

3. Are UTIs contagious?

UTIs themselves aren’t contagious, but the bacteria that cause them can be spread through sexual contact.

4. Is cranberry juice good for UTIs?

While cranberry juice has been a popular home remedy, research is mixed on its effectiveness for treating UTIs. Supplements with concentrated cranberry extract might offer more benefits.

5. What is the difference between a UTI and a bladder infection?

A UTI is a general term for an infection anywhere in the urinary tract. Cystitis, a bladder infection, is the most common type of UTI.

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