Can Air Conditioning Make You Cough? Understanding the Effects of AC on Respiratory Health

Air conditioning has become a ubiquitous feature in homes, offices, and public spaces, providing much-needed relief during the hot summer months. However, many individuals have reported various health issues when they sleep or live in air-conditioned rooms. But can air conditioning make you cough? Many people experience coughing or other respiratory symptoms when exposed to air conditioning for extended periods. 

Let’s go through this comprehensive guide to explore the topic of “can air conditioning make you cough” to shed light on the potential effects of AC on respiratory health. By understanding the factors contributing to this phenomenon, you can make informed decisions about your comfort and well-being.

Learn Everything About Cough, From Causes To Treatment. 

Can Air Conditioning Make You Cough?

The Relationship Between Air Conditioning and Coughing

One common concern among individuals is whether air conditioning can induce coughing. While air conditioning itself does not directly cause coughing, certain factors associated with its usage may contribute to respiratory discomfort in susceptible individuals.

Dry Air and Coughing

Air conditioning systems are designed to cool indoor spaces by removing heat and moisture from the air. This process can result in reduced humidity levels, leading to dry indoor air. Dry air can irritate the respiratory system, causing throat dryness, itchiness, and an increased urge to cough. Research conducted in 2018 shows that low humidity levels can lead to dryness and irritation of the airways, resulting in coughing and respiratory discomfort. 

Airborne Irritants and Allergens

Air conditioning systems circulate air throughout a building, and if the air filters are not properly maintained, they may become a source of airborne irritants and allergens. Dust, pollen, mold spores, and other particles can be recirculated into the air, triggering respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and wheezing in sensitive individuals.

Cold Air and Cough Reflex

Sudden exposure to cold air from air conditioning can trigger the cough reflex in some people. This reflex is a protective mechanism of the respiratory system, aiming to expel any irritants or foreign substances. The rapid change in temperature when moving from a hot outdoor environment to a cold indoor environment can stimulate the cough reflex, leading to coughing episodes.

Preexisting Respiratory Conditions

Can air conditioning make you cough? This can be true if you have a preexisting respiratory condition. When exposed to air conditioning, individuals with preexisting respiratory conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may be more susceptible to coughing or other respiratory symptoms. These conditions can make the airways more sensitive and reactive, increasing the likelihood of experiencing coughing episodes in response to various triggers, including cold or dry air.

How To Treat Cough?

Factors that Influence the Impact of Air Conditioning on Coughing

1. Temperature and Humidity Settings

Your air conditioning system’s temperature and humidity settings play a crucial role in determining its impact on coughing. Adjusting the temperature to a moderate level and ensuring a comfortable humidity level (around 40-60%) can help minimize the risk of respiratory discomfort. Research published in the Journal of Rhinology shows that exposure to cold temperatures can stimulate nasal cooling and cause an increase in cough reflex sensitivity. This suggests that lower temperatures may exacerbate cough symptoms.

2. Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

Proper maintenance and cleaning of your air conditioning system are essential for ensuring optimal air quality and minimizing the circulation of irritants and allergens. Regularly replace air filters, clean air vents, and schedule professional inspections to keep your AC system in good working condition.

3. Ventilation and Fresh Air Intake

Adequate ventilation and fresh air intake are vital for maintaining good indoor air quality. Opening windows or utilizing air purifiers can help introduce fresh air into the space, diluting any potential irritants and allergens that may be present.


So can air conditioning make you cough? Yes, some evidence shows that air conditioning can worsen your cough or cause it if you already have a respiratory condition. Whether your cough is caused by air conditioning or any other way, we have the best solution. Prospan cough syrup! It promises effective and fast relief from cough and its symptoms. 


  1. Does air conditioning make your cough worse?

Air conditioning can potentially worsen cough symptoms for some individuals. The cold and dry air produced by air conditioning systems can irritate the airways, leading to increased coughing in susceptible individuals.

  1. How do I get rid of my air conditioner cough?

You can get rid of air conditioner cough by using Prospan cough syrup and Prospan M cough syrup. Prospan is made from Ivy leaf extract, proven to treat cough and its symptoms. 

  1. How long does a cough from AC last?

A cough from AC may last from 12 hours to a few days, depending upon the severity of the cough and the effectiveness of the treatment used. 

  1. Can air conditioning cause sore throat and cough?

Yes, air conditioning can cause a sore throat and cough.

  1. Does AC cause an allergy cough?

Yes, ACs may cause allergy cough as air conditioning requires a room to be shut closed. This doesn’t allow allergens to escape a room making one more susceptible to allergy cough. 

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