The Role Of Diet In Managing Cough: Foods To Eat And Avoid

Are you tired of persistent coughing? You must have tried every remedy and medicine available. But do you know that the relief might be on your plate? Yes, you read that right. What you eat daily can aggravate and relieve your cough. In this article, we will explore the common foods that might be worsening your cough and foods that might help soothe your itchy throat. So, let’s dive into the role of diet in managing cough. 

According to the National Library Of Medicine, Cough is one of the most common reasons individuals seek medical treatment, accounting for nearly 30 million clinical visits each year in the United States. It can signal a variety of disorders, including benign upper respiratory infections and severe illnesses such as pneumonia or lung cancer. Managing a cough properly usually takes more than just medication; nutrition is crucial in easing symptoms and encouraging healing. 

Role Of Diet In Managing Cough

Cough management is important not just for acute relief of symptoms but also for maintaining overall respiratory health. Effective management can help to avoid problems and improve patient outcomes by allowing for quick detection and treatment of underlying issues. Diet is an important factor in regulating cough severity. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, with a restriction on processed meals, high-sodium products, and likely allergens, can help reduce coughing symptoms. Dietary changes can be a helpful supplement to medical therapies for those who have a persistent cough. Let’s explore the role of diet in managing cough and learn which foods can help you heal faster and which can worsen it.

Foods To Avoid

Starchy Vegetable

starchy veges

Starchy veggies are those that contain high amounts of carbohydrates, including corn, potatoes, and squash. Research in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine suggests that starchy vegetables increase blood sugar levels as carbohydrates are found in abundance in starchy vegetables as they break down fast, causing blood sugar levels to rise swiftly. After consumption, these meals break down into glucose, which quickly enters the bloodstream. This rapid increase can set off metabolic processes that can cause respiratory disorders, inflammation, and other health concerns and may raise the risk of congestion-related disorders, which can aggravate cough and eventually lead to lung damage.

Fried Foods

Deeply fried foods are high in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. According to a study by the European Respiratory Journal, fried meals are usually fried at high temperatures, which can result in the creation of toxic substances, including lipid oxidation products (LOPs). Breathing in these compounds can irritate the airways and lungs, with symptoms worsening over time due to prolonged exposure.

Sugary Foods

sugary foods

Sugary foods are generally not recommended and are unhealthy; they can also trigger throat refluxes and initiate cough. According to a study of 2019 , high amounts of sugar can cause prolonged cough and impair the immune system. According to health experts, sugar-rich foods can decrease immunity, making it more difficult for the body to fight illnesses that cause coughing. Furthermore, sugar can induce inflammation, worsening cold symptoms like coughing.

High Histamine foods

Histamine is a natural molecule in the body that helps control immune responses, particularly during allergic reactions; however, high levels can cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, and breathing difficulties. Foods with high histamine include cheese, processed foods, pineapple, banana, papaya, and citrus fruits. Spinach, avocado. According to WHO, cells react to allergens or irritants by releasing histamine. Excessive consumption of high histamine foods might cause systemic consequences such as  increased mucus production.  

Cold foods

Eating foods that are cold, such as ice cream, can immediately inhibit the immunological response. Health experts claim that foods heavy in sugar, such as many ice creams, can impair immunity, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections that cause coughing. Moreover, sugar can cause inflammation, which exacerbates cold symptoms including coughing.

Foods To Have


Turmeric can be effective in relieving cough as it contains a compound called curcumin that acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral. Furthermore, according to a 2024 article, adding black pepper to curcumin greatly improves its absorption, while piperine, a natural ingredient, can increase curcumin’s bioavailability by up to 2000%. Likewise, curcumin tea can relieve sore throat and reduce inflammation.

Learn More About The Anti Inflammatory Role Of Curcumin. 


lemon tea

Lemon, loaded with vitamin C, is best for building up immunity and fighting against disease. Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells, including lymphocytes and phagocytes, helping in defending against infections.. According to a study in 2023, drinking lemon water can improve hydration and aid in the body’s detoxification process. Initially in the morning, consuming lemon water can help the body “wake up” and enhance the absorption of nutrients.


Honey can help reduce mucus production as it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Research indicates that honey can be just as successful as some over-the-counter cough treatments in lowering the frequency and intensity of coughs, particularly in young children.Adding an amount of honey in warm water relieves coughing and sore throats.


Peppermint contains methanol (commonly used as VIX BAM), which acts as a natural decongestant that helps open the airway.  Menthol is also a good expectorant since it thins mucus, which helps loosen phlegm and break up coughs. It soothes and calms sore throats and  coughs.


Almonds are easily available and nutrient-dense food that can support overall health and boost immunity to fight with irritants and lower cough. Almonds contain high amounts of Vit E and zinc that works as antioxidants and relieves cough.The almonds’ ability to absorb nutrients is increased by soaking them overnight and peeling them. 


Drink plenty of water, juices, or fluids to stay hydrated. Hydration plays an essential role in decreasing cough also it strengthens your immune system and raises the healing process. Staying hydrated can assist with a cough by thinning the mucus, making it easier to cough and clear your airways. Dehydration can cause your body to generate less saliva and mucus, resulting in a dry, irritated throat and a chronic cough.

Battling The Common Myths About Cough 

Now that you understand the role of diet in managing cough, you should also know fad from fact. Let’s debunk a few common myths related to cough. Now that you understand the importance of diet in cough management let’s distinguish fact from myth. There are many fallacies about coughs, which can lead to misunderstanding and inefficient therapies. Let’s dispel some of the most frequent myths about coughs, throwing light on the facts behind them.

Can These Foods Cause Coughing? Busting The Common Myths


The role of diet in managing cough is not negligible. Diet is crucial for cough management, reducing mucus production and improving immunity. By eating the correct foods and avoiding triggers, you can alleviate your symptoms and speed up your recovery. Remember that staying hydrated and consuming immune-boosting foods such as turmeric, honey, and lemon are important steps toward cough relief and general wellness.

Although diet is important in managing cough, you may need medical intervention. Herbal products like Route2Health’s Prospan can help you get rid of your long standing cough and discomfort without any side effects. 



 1. What are the nutrition recommendations for cough management?

A diet rich in fibre and fruits.

2. Is milk good for coughing?

There is no evidence that milk can produce or reduce mucus.

3. What fruits are good for coughing?

Apples, berries, cranberries.

4. What to not eat when coughing?

Foods high in salt, fried food,high in sugar.

5. What can make the cough worse?

Dry air, air conditioning and cooling fans.

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