What to Eat for Healthy Hair and Nails?

Ever wondered why some people seem to have perpetually glossy locks and strong, healthy nails? While genetics certainly play a role, a significant factor influencing your hair and nail health is what you put on your plate.  After all, beautiful hair and nails are more than just aesthetics; they’re a sign of overall well-being.

Are you tired of brittle nails and lacklustre hair? Wondering what you can do to promote their health and vitality? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of achieving healthy hair and nails through dietary choices. From understanding the fundamentals of hair and nail health to finding an answer to “What to eat for healthy hair and nails?”

Healthy hair is characterised by its strength, shine, and manageable texture. It shouldn’t be prone to excessive breakage or split ends. Similarly, healthy nails should be smooth, free of ridges or brittleness, and grow at a steady pace. The global hair care and nail care industry is estimated to be worth a staggering USD $250 billion. This highlights the vast consumer interest in achieving and maintaining healthy hair and nails.

But amidst a plethora of hair care products and nail treatments, many people overlook the foundational role of diet.  Knowing what to eat for healthy hair and nails is of utmost importance. 

The Role of Diet in Hair and Nail Health

Diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and vitality of our hair and nails. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients ensures optimal keratin production, promotes hair growth, and strengthens nails. Research suggests that deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals can manifest as brittle nails, hair loss, and other visible signs of poor health. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods into our daily meals, we can provide our bodies with the building blocks necessary for vibrant hair and nails.

Here’s a breakdown of some key nutrients and how they contribute to healthy hair and nails, so you know exactly what to eat for healthy hair and nails:

  • Protein: Hair follicles are protein factories, and inadequate protein intake can hinder hair growth and lead to hair loss.
  • Biotin: This B vitamin plays a vital role in keratin production. A biotin deficiency has been linked to hair loss and brittle nails.
  • Iron: Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss, particularly in women Iron carries oxygen throughout the body, which is crucial for hair follicle health.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats contribute to scalp health and may promote hair growth.
  • Vitamin A: While too much vitamin A can be harmful, a deficiency can lead to dry, brittle hair and nails.
  • Vitamin C: This powerful antioxidant helps the body absorb iron and promotes collagen production, which is important for healthy hair and nails.
  • Zinc: Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss and slow wound healing, which can impact nail growth.

What to Eat for Healthy Hair and Nails?

Now that you understand the science behind dietary influences on hair and nail health, let’s explore what to eat for healthy hair and nails. 

  1. Salmon: Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon nourishes the scalp, promotes hair growth, and adds shine to hair follicles. Additionally, its high protein content supports nail strength and resilience. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids improve hair and nail health significantly. 
  2. Eggs: A rich source of biotin, eggs contribute to keratin synthesis, thereby enhancing hair texture and promoting nail growth. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair and nails. According to a study in the International Journal of Trichology, 38% of women who complain of hair loss have a biotin deficiency. 
  3. Sweet Potatoes: Packed with beta-carotene, sweet potatoes stimulate the production of sebum, a natural oil that moisturises the scalp and prevents hair breakage. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which promotes hair growth.
  4. Almonds: Nuts provide protein, biotin, and healthy fats, all of which contribute to strong hair and nails. Rich in biotin, almonds support keratin synthesis and strengthen nails. They also contain zinc, a mineral that aids in the repair and regeneration of hair tissues.
  5. Spinach: Loaded with iron, spinach improves blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to hair follicles. Its high vitamin E content also protects hair cells from oxidative damage. According to a 2010 study Tocotrienol (the primary form of vitamin E) supplementation increases hair volume by reducing oxidative stress on the scalp. 
  6. Greek Yogurt: A good source of protein, zinc, and vitamin B12, Greek yoghurt provides essential nutrients for healthy hair and nail growth. Greek yoghurt nourishes hair follicles and promotes collagen formation, which is essential for nail health and strength.
  7. Avocado: Avocados are rich in healthy fats, vitamin E, and biotin, all of which contribute to hair health and may prevent breakage. Brimming with vitamins E and C, avocados moisturise the scalp, prevent hair loss, and promote nail growth. Their high monounsaturated fat content also supports scalp health.
  8. Berries: Packed with antioxidants, such as vitamin C, berries combat oxidative stress and promote collagen production, which is vital for healthy hair and nail growth.
  9. Oysters: Loaded with zinc, oysters promote cell turnover in the scalp, facilitating hair growth and preventing dandruff. Zinc deficiency has been linked to hair loss and brittle nails.
  10. Legumes: Rich in protein, iron, and zinc, legumes support keratin synthesis and promote healthy hair and nail growth. They also provide essential amino acids necessary for protein formation.


In conclusion, achieving healthy hair and nails is within reach with the right dietary choices, you just need to learn exactly what to eat for healthy hair and nails. By incorporating nutrient-rich foods such as salmon, eggs, spinach, and almonds into our meals, we can nourish our bodies from the inside out. 

Looking for an Extra Boost? Consider Biotin Supplements

While a balanced diet is crucial, some people may benefit from additional support in achieving their hair and nail goals. Biotin, a B vitamin naturally found in some of the foods mentioned above, is a popular supplement for hair and nail health. Studies have shown that biotin supplementation can improve brittle nails in individuals with a biotin deficiency.

Elevate your hair and nail health with Route2Health’s Biotin Supplements!


1. How long does it take to see results from eating a healthy diet for hair and nails?

It can take 2-3 months to see noticeable improvements in hair and nail health from dietary changes.

2. Can vitamins really help my hair and nails?

A balanced diet is ideal, but some people with deficiencies may benefit from biotin or other hair and nail supplements. Consult a doctor before starting any supplements.

3. What are some signs of a biotin deficiency?

Brittle nails, hair loss, and skin rashes can be signs of a biotin deficiency.

4. Should I cut my hair to make it grow faster?

No, cutting your hair doesn’t affect your growth rate. Hair growth happens at the root, not the ends.

5. Is it bad to wash my hair every day?

Not necessarily, but for some hair types, daily washing can be drying. Experiment to find what works best for your hair.

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